Molecular Structure of Proteins - BIO/11

Master Degree course, University of Cagliari, Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy, 2018

The course was held as part of the Master Degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology


The aim of this course consists of providing an advanced knowledge of protein molecular structures and functions. A peculiar attention is dedicated to the synthesis, modification and destruction of the polypeptide chain, so to better understand how cells’ functionality is finely managed. Methods and techniques for the analysis of the different levels of protein structure will be covered in both lectures and laboratory experiences.


Lecture syllabus

  • Proteins structure: relationship between protein structure and function; Primary structure; Secondary structure; Supersecondary structure (structural motif); protein domains; Tertiary structure; Quaternary structure;
  • Protein folding. Molecular Chaperones: TF, Dna J, Dna K, GrpE, GroEL e GroES. Misfolding. Protein aggregation: prion disease and amyloid fibrils.
  • Protein sorting and transport. Quality control and protein folding in the secretory pathway. Structure of the Signal Recognition Particle; Structure of the Translocon; Calnexin and Calreticulin.
  • Protein Degradation: The Ubiquitin-Proteasome System.
  • Protein import pathways into mitochondria: the Tom and Tim complexes. Protein import pathways into chloroplasts: the Toc and Tic complexes.
  • Control of Protein Function: phosphorylation, proteolysis, glycosylation, protein targeting by lipid modifications.
  • Proteins involved in immune system: structure and functions of different classes of immunoglobulins. Genetics of immunoglobulins: generation of antibody diversity.